Collage (Rochelle Canteen) x 161

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We are excited to announce our next food collab on Sunday, November 17 from 5-9pm: Collage - an idea which emerged from mutual friends and amazing gardeners, Paul & Jane, who run a cracking allotment just across the road.

The menu will feature dishes such as Beetroot Borscht, Salt Cod Russian Salad and Wild Mushroom-stuffed Cabbage Leaves.

"Arunas, Kate and Lulu work together at Rochelle Canteen where they have a mutual love for simple food with bold flavours.

"Arunas, the amazingly skilled ‘Collage’ poster creator and Kate the effortlessly talented restaurant manager are known as the dream front-of-house team by all regulars and colleagues alike. Lulu’s the sous chef at Rochelle, whose into all things comforting and nostalgic. She’s into well sourced ingredients and putting a lot of love in whilst cooking. Together we spend many hours hanging out, talking about what to cook, backing one another’s idea and dreaming of putting on evenings like this.

"So here goes - we’re taking Arunas’ Lithuanian roots as our inspiration and we’ll be cooking simple, comforting, eastern European inspired dishes. We want a cosy winter evening, where everybody can get stuck into broths, dumplings & delicious wine and at the end of the meal, we’ll roll you all home!

"The long and short of it is, we’re three friends that love to cook."

Lulu Cox

As usual, booking is essential and table slots will be 1.5h. Get your spot here

Al & Ben