Weekly Favourites


What is Tom drinking?

It almost seemed like summer at times last week. I have very recently moved into a little gated community vibe up in Stoke Newington (not included in the Milk Round) and, as well as being able to enjoy a bit of outdoor space on the curb of a cobbled street, we also get entertained by a concert performed by some of the local residents on a balcony visible from our lounge window every evening at 6pm. It has been something to look forward to each day! Other than that, cooking, cards and of course WINE are the things getting me through.

Here are my latest delights that I have been drinking over the last week and a little bit about how I have been enjoying them:

Château Barouillet | France, Bergerac & Monbazillac in Pomport
Splash! 2019 - Semillon

Apparently 28,000kg of strawberries are consumed at Wimbledon every year, but this year Wimbledon is cancelled so "Where will all the strawberries go?" I hear you cry. Well thankfully farms will be ensuring shops are well stocked this summer and any surplus will be donated to food banks. And in our flat we have started early to make sure nothing goes to waste!
Enjoyed last Wednesday with this fun sparkling wine from the Bergerac region of France. The grapes used to be sold to the cooperative for mass production and now instead they are used to make this vibrant and biscuity Pet Nat. Undiscorged to give it that cloudiness and texture.
Strawberrys, cream and pet nat or in other words... Game, set and match!


Brand Brothers | Germany, Pfalz, Bockenheim
Wildrosé Pur 2018 - Riesling

Wowza! A recently arrived beauty from the Brand Bros in Germany kept me thoroughly entertained over the Easter weekend. This funky little number will make you wanna air slap bass to George Clinton tracks all day long. And for a while that will keep you entertained, but can, and will, REALLY annoy the other person you live with (speaking from experience). Incredibly fresh and easy drinking with a cranberry and wild strawberry nose and a savoury yeasty finish. A perfect accompaniment for a few afternoon games of sh*thead! The official scoreboard hasn't been knocked up in our house just yet.. but it's only a matter of time. 

Cyrille Vuillod | France, Vaux en Beaujolais, La Chaumière
La Baleine Ivre 2018 - Gamay

Juicy gamay from Beaujolais! What more could anyone want? 
Easy drinking due to the whole berry fermentation or carbonic maceration as it is known. This preserves the fruit taste without removing the tannins from the skins. The best thing about wines like this is how versatile they are. They pair with anything or can easily be enjoyed by themselves. I stuck mine in the fridge for an hour before opening and drank it with a leek and potato gratin which is fast becoming a once a week fix. Cyrille the winemaker of these gluggers experiments a lot with different lengths of maceration. Look out for his other cuvees which are all equally as enjoyable!

Have a great week!

Eligible for the Milkround.

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