Food for Wine
Food for Wine Fundraiser Tasting on June 9, 2019
Lovely ladies from Lewisham Foodbank
Food for Wine - Thank you!!
What an absolute pleasure to host another ‘Food for Wine’ tasting for Lewisham foodbank on Sunday, June 9. We had a great turnout and would like to thank all who generously donated, as well as the volunteers from the foodbank who came by and shared some really interesting insights with us. For example, did you know that on a weekly basis Lewisham Foodbank caters to 150 people and gives out 1/4 tons of food? This equals 2-3 shopping bags per person and 6-7 shopping bags to support a family, who simply cannot afford food and are really desperate for help.
If you'd like to support the cause, there is a permanent donation box in our store, so please feel free to donate during our opening hours. Just bring a donation (non-perishable, in-date food). The foodbank regularly lists items needed here.
Stay tuned for the next event!
Al & Ben