Now Online: Sakes!


The newest addition to our online shop: a selection of sakes from Kanpai London who are crafting their sake in the middle of London adding their own style while keeping in line with Japanese traditions.

"Sake is best fresh - so the closer to home it's made, the better. Our sake is made from just four ingredients: rice, water, yeast and koji (a magic mould also used to make things such as soy sauce). But it's very tricky to make! Brewed like a beer, enjoyed like a wine, we're driven to produce the best small batch craft sake possible so our fellow curious Londoners can fall in love with this intriguing drink too.

We blindly followed our taste buds into madness to launch our microbrewery in Peckham in early 2017, thanks to amazing people backing us on a crowdfunding campaign. With our bottle launch in Selfridges, we officially became the UK’s first sake brewery! Since then, it’s been a whirlwind and in summer 2018 we moved into a larger space a stone’s throw away in Peckham’s Copeland Park thanks to another crowdfunding boost. Our new home gives us more space for new brews and a sake tap room to share our wares - come play! We brew, bottle and serve every drop ourselves - a truly craft and hands-on operation!"  
- Lucy & Tom

We have added three exciting sakes to our online shop for you to enjoy. Eligible for the Milkround.