Wild & Foraged Pop Up


We are excited to announce that Louis Chisholm will be doing his very first pop up event at 161 on Sunday, September 1 from 5pm onwards. Louis has been recommended to us by Drew Snaith, our chef friend who has done his own pop up (Spring Feast) with us this year.

Louis has been out of college for two years and has since worked in Copenhagen as well as atThe Conduitin Mayfair. We would like to support him and offer him a platform to showcase his talent.

His love for nature led him to foraging, which he taught himself. Except for when it comes to mushrooms, he did do a course on that – better safe than sorry!

His dishes are a mix of foraged as well as locally sourced ingredients from UK farmers (just so you know, the hogget will be sourced from the field behind his girlfriend's house in Kent). He likes to preserve food in order to experiment with new flavours and to be able to use the ingredients in different ways throughout the year.

Louis works as ecologically as possible, avoiding single-use plastic.

He likes to make people happy with his dishes. For him, that is what being a chef is all about.

Book your spot here.

Sample Menu*

Raw and roasted carrot with fermented honey, carrot-top sauce and rowan berries

Mackerel and turnip terrine with pickled plums, mustard butter with bread

Beer-baked onion with Stichelton cheese and pickled walnuts

Hogget tartare, hazelnut and wild herbs dressed in gooseberry juice

Fermented mushroom-glazed new season potatoes with kale and elderberry capers

Blackberry, pine-cone clotted cream, sourdough brittle

*A la carte sharing platters, we recommend sharing the menu for 2 people